Friday, August 27, 2010

c.s. lewis necklace

i know it's not the best quality picture.

i apologize! my "real" camera is M.I.A.! yikes :(

i'll take more pics once i can convince camantha to come out of hiding.

in my excitement, i just wanted to get this on my blog asap!

so, i embarked on a little arts&crafts journey last night...

and after an hour of sheer mayhem ... i emerged with THIS :)

i cut out two pieces of "Mere Christianity" and glued them to this metal pendant (front and back).

i know it sounds like borderline sacrilege, but with two extra copies of this little gem lying around, i see it more as an honor to my hero.

it has another little antique charm and the letter "e" that looks like an old typewriter key.

the chain is roughly 3ft long (about 1.5 ft from the back of your neck to the pendant)

overall, i LOVE it and am wearing it today.

my goal is to put it on etsy once i get better pics. i can, of course, do this with ANY piece of literature (besides any in my own personal library... i dont think i'll be chopping up my only copy of crime & punishment!) AND with any letter. for the moment, i only have Mere Christianity available for use on this pendant. i sold many of my extra copies during my move :( BUT i am a frequent half price book-er and will, soon enough, have a variety to choose from. but who doesnt want a little Clivey with them during the day??

and i promise. MORE & BETTER pics to come.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

this was made for me.

crime and punishment.
the brothers karamazov.
anna karenina.

a few of my favorite books.

all of russian authorship

all authors... dead.

conclusion? i want this buttonnnnnn.

i wont wear it around. i promise.

it's a castle... it's a mansion...

it's my schooool :)
took this walking to class last night.
she's a beaut isnt she??
pretty sure a fair-haired princess lives in that top room...
spinning threads of golden yarn...
as the birds help her get ready in the morning...
and the forest creatures bring her breakfast...
ok. i'm done. it's an awesome building! the end! :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"real knowledge... to know the extent of one's ignorance."

this is the building my humanities class is in.

it's so adorable... and inside i learn how much i have yet to learn.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

one day

i want my little girl to love reading.
and her room to look like this.
minus that creepy wolf-like creature on the shelf.

there is a paper monster behind me

growling and rustling...
and i'm too scared to turn around.
i should be trying to attack it with some sort of filing system.
or at least a giant paperclip.
but i would rather do something non-work related.
so i'll write about it.

i started volunteering at a local bookstore.
because one day i will own one of my own.
and i need some know-how.
when that day comes,
you are ALL invited to come and sit in a comfy little corner by the window,
and read the day away...
while i bring you little baked goodies and tea.

until then, i'll stay here.
it's messy. and dusty. and messy.
and the owner walks around with no shoes on...
and tie dye shirts he made himself.

also, i am starting school soon.
very soon.
five days away soon.
and i am so excited.

i love to learn.
pretty much everything and anything.
within reason, of course :)
two more years and i will have a fancy piece of paper with my name on it.