Thursday, December 30, 2010


so, recently... as in five days ago... i finally finished les miserables. and i must say, i don't think i honestly knew what a good story was until the point i picked up that book. i cried... er-- wept my eyes out... for a good twenty minutes after i closed the back cover.

friends, if you do not read this masterpiece before you die... you might not have ever been truly living.

so, after i stopped sobbing, cleaned up the streaks of mascara off my face and officially thanked my lucky stars that i was NOT in a public place when i finished this book, i started feeling an all-too-common emotion... similar to losing a close friend. you see, after weeks and weeks of toting around this book, taking it with me to coffee shops, falling asleep night after night with it perched on my knees, sneaking away with it on lunch breaks, and taking little peeks into its pages any chance i could... it sort of became (for those who have never felt this emotion, please disregard the borderline creepishness of this and take note that i DO have a social life) a companion and friend.

sometimes, i half expected to meet jean valjean on the street, giving him my sincere apology for the tragedies in his life, congratulating him on his successes, twirling around little cosette, and telling them how much i look forward to getting to know them better.

and as i place this lovely piece of literature back on the shelf, i DO look forward to the moment my son or daughter plucks it out of my home library (because you KNOW this is going to happen), and flips through the same pages that gave me so much joy.

ok ok ok, i get it. a bit much, right? just read it already! ...and thank me later :)

- me -